How to Keep the Ball Low in Pickleball

Pickleball is a fast-paced and exciting game that requires strategy, agility, and precision. One of the key skills that every pickleball player should master is the ability to keep the ball low. In this article, I will guide you through how to keep the ball low in Pickleball, and importance of keeping the ball low, and the physics behind it, and provide you with tips and strategies to improve your game.

Understanding the Importance of Keeping the Ball Low in Pickleball

Keeping the ball low in pickleball is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, a low shot makes it harder for your opponents to return. When the ball is close to the ground, it reduces the angle at which your opponent can hit it back, making it more challenging for them to generate power and accuracy. Secondly, a low shot increases the chances of your opponents hitting the ball into the net.

By forcing your opponents to hit upwards, you create opportunities to win points through their mistakes. Lastly, a low shot allows you to maintain control of the game. By keeping the ball low, you dictate the pace and placement of the rally, giving you a better chance to outmaneuver your opponents.

Physics Behind Keeping the Ball Low

To understand the physics behind keeping the ball low in pickleball, it is important to consider the angle of the paddle at the point of contact with the ball. When you hit the ball with a downward motion, the ball is more likely to stay low. This is because the angle of the paddle imparts a lower trajectory to the ball, reducing the chances of it bouncing high. Additionally, the speed and spin you apply to the ball also affect its trajectory.

By hitting the ball with less power and applying a backspin, you can further control the height of the shot. Understanding and utilizing these physics principles will help you keep the ball low consistently.

Grip and Body Positioning for Keeping the Ball Low

Having the right grip and body positioning is essential for keeping the ball low in pickleball. Firstly, ensure that you have a continental grip, with your index knuckle resting on the middle of the paddle handle. This grip allows for better control and maneuverability of the paddle. Secondly, position your body in a slightly crouched stance with your knees bent.

This lowers your center of gravity and provides stability, making it easier to generate power and control the ball. Additionally, keep your paddle face open and slightly tilted downward at the point of contact. This ensures that the ball stays low and reduces the chances of it popping up.

Footwork Techniques for Keeping the Ball Low

Footwork plays a vital role in keeping the ball low in pickleball. Good footwork allows you to position yourself correctly and quickly react to the ball. When preparing for a low shot, step forward with your non-dominant foot, aligning it with the ball. This helps you get closer to the ball and generate more power. As the ball approaches, transfer your weight onto your front foot and pivot your hips and shoulders towards the net.

This rotational movement helps you generate power and control. Finally, follow through with your shot, extending your arm and keeping your wrist firm. This ensures a clean contact with the ball and helps keep it low.

Strategies for Keeping the Ball Low in Different Game Situations

Keeping the ball low in pickleball requires adaptability and strategic thinking. Here are some strategies to help you keep the ball low in different game situations.

  • When returning a high shot, aim for the middle of the opposing court. This reduces the angle at which your opponent can hit the ball, increasing the chances of a low return.
  • If your opponent is standing close to the net, try a drop shot. This shot involves hitting the ball softly and with a lot of backspin, causing it to bounce close to the net and making it difficult for your opponent to return.
  • When playing against aggressive opponents, mix up your shots. Alternate between high shots and low shots to keep them guessing and off balance.
  • Use the wind to your advantage. When playing with the wind at your back, hit the ball with less power and allow the wind to help keep it low. Conversely, when playing against the wind, apply more power to compensate for the wind resistance and keep the ball low.

You should also check: Essential Pickleball Tips for Intermediate Players

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Keep the Ball Low

While striving to keep the ball low, it is important to avoid common mistakes that can lead to high shots. One common mistake is hitting the ball too hard. Applying excessive power to your shot increases the chances of the ball bouncing high. Instead, focus on control and accuracy. Another mistake is hitting the ball too late. When you wait until the ball is too close to your body, it becomes challenging to generate a downward motion, resulting in a higher shot.

Be proactive and position yourself early to ensure a clean and low contact with the ball. Lastly, avoid using excessive topspin. While topspin can be effective in certain situations, it can also cause the ball to bounce high. Practice hitting with backspin to keep the ball low and increase your chances of success.

Practicing Drills to Improve Your Ability to Keep the Ball Low

To improve your ability to keep the ball low in pickleball, it is crucial to practice drills that focus on control and precision. Here are some drills you can incorporate into your training routine:

  • Wall drills: Stand close to a wall and hit the ball against it, aiming to keep it low and within a specific height range. This drill helps you develop a consistent and controlled shot.
  • Drop shot practice: Set up a target close to the net and practice hitting drop shots. Focus on hitting the ball softly and with a backspin to keep it low. Gradually increase the distance between you and the target to challenge yourself.
  • Mini-court games: Play mini-court games with a partner, focusing on keeping the ball low throughout the rally. This simulates real game situations and helps you develop the necessary skills under pressure.

Equipment Recommendations for Optimizing Ball Control

Choosing the right equipment can greatly enhance your ability to keep the ball low in pickleball. Here are some recommendations:

  • Paddle: Opt for a paddle with a larger sweet spot and a softer face. This provides better control and allows for more consistent low shots.
  • Ball: Use a softer ball that has less bounce. Softer balls tend to stay lower and are easier to control.
  • Shoes: Invest in a pair of pickleball shoes that provide good traction and stability. Proper footwear ensures you can move quickly and maintain balance, enabling you to execute low shots with ease.

Tips for Incorporating Low Ball Shots into Your Overall Pickleball Strategy

Keeping the ball low should be an integral part of your overall pickleball strategy. Here are some tips to help you incorporate low ball shots into your game:

  • Mix up your shots: Alternate between high shots and low shots to keep your opponents guessing and off balance. This will make it harder for them to anticipate and defend against your shots.
  • Aim for the sidelines: When hitting a low shot, aim for the sidelines. This reduces the angle at which your opponents can hit the ball back, increasing the chances of a weak return or an error.
  • Use low shots as a setup: Use low shots strategically to set up a winning shot. By keeping your opponents on their toes with low shots, you can open up opportunities for more aggressive shots or to take control of the net.


Keeping the ball low is a fundamental skill that every pickleball player should strive to master. By understanding the importance of keeping the ball low, the physics behind it, and implementing the right techniques and strategies, you can greatly improve your game. Remember to focus on grip and body positioning, footwork techniques, and practice drills to enhance your ability to keep the ball low. With dedication and practice, you’ll be able to control the game, outmaneuver your opponents, and elevate your pickleball skills to new heights.


Should I always try to keep the ball low in pickleball?

While keeping the ball low is generally advantageous, there may be situations where a high shot is more appropriate. For example, if your opponent is standing near the baseline, a high shot can be effective in pushing them back and forcing them to hit from a defensive position. Assess each situation and adjust your shot selection accordingly.

Can I generate power with a low shot in pickleball?

Yes, you can generate power with a low shot in pickleball. By utilizing the correct grip, body positioning, and footwork techniques, you can generate power and accuracy even when keeping the ball low. Remember to focus on a smooth and fluid swing, transferring your weight onto your front foot, and following through with your shot.

How can I improve my consistency in keeping the ball low?

Consistency in keeping the ball low comes with practice and repetition. Focus on the fundamentals, such as grip, body positioning, and footwork. Practice drills that target ball control and precision. With time and dedication, your consistency in keeping the ball low will improve, leading to better results on the court.

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